
BIRTHDAY WEEK - Day 4 - Transportation party

OK, new week started, but I own you a birthday number 4 ideas, so here we go

Can you believe it, but duoBRO asked for a train party, AGAIN!?! All my tries to change it to something else failed. Only thing I could do to make it at least little bit different is to add some vehicles, so there were also a boat, a car, a plane and a truck.

Here is the invitation for this party:

As it says on the the invitation, we celebrated this time in the playground, so there was no option for a lot of things to do by ourself, but here is what we did:

And because I couldn't do more, I decided to make all three cakes for this birthday.

First one duoBRO took to his kindergarten

It was carrot cake, very simple to make, but delicious. And all kids that come to our home loooove it. I promise I will share recipe very soon (I just have to make it in original shape :) )

The cake number two was the same taste, but different shape, and it was for little party at home, just for the family.

And The Cake number 3 was for the big party

It was chocolate cake and, as I was already asked few times to share recipe, I will, hopefully tomorrow. So be sure to come back here :)

With this photo I leave you for now.

I hope you liked this and thank you for stopping by.


BIRTHDAY WEEK - Day 3 - Angrybirds party

This post I wrote looooong time ago, but did not publish until now. It is written in Bosnian  (sorry guys who are reading this in English, please use Google translate).

Evo nešto što će možda zanimati mame dječaka koji su se'navukli' na Angry Birds. duoBRO je bio jedan od takvih, samo što su njemu bile draže svinje, pa kad ga je neko pitao kako se zoveš, on je odgovarao „Zelena svinja“ :) Bilo bi super da sam mogla nekako snimiti ili uslikati izraze lica ljudi nakon što skontaju šta im je rekao :)

Uglavnom, tema 3. rođendanske zabave je bila Angry Birds. Evo nekoliko linkova i savjeta koji mogu pomoći, ako se odlučite za organizovanje rođendana na tu temu.

Sve u stanu je naravno moralo biti u znaku ljutih ptica, pa smo glavni natpis napravili ovako:

Inspiraciju sam našla negdje ne internetu. Nažalost nisam spasila orginalni link, ali sam ja napravila cijeli natpis na osnovu te ideje pa predpostavljam da ga mogu share-at: link

Kupili smo balone u osnovnim bojama što odgovara bojama ptica i na njih običnim ljepilom zalijepili lica (nažalost nismo nigdje našli crne i bijele balone :( ). Template koji samo treba downloadovati, odprintati i izrezati se može naći ovdje

Mi nismo lijepili stomake, bilo nam je to ipak previše, a i bezpotrebno.

Stolnjak, čaše i tanjire smo dobili na poklon iz Švedske, mada mislim da se može preko e-baya naručiti da stigne i kod nas.

Ne smijem zaboraviti spomenuti da smo tako dobili i privremene tetovaže! To je bio pun pogodak, jer su sva djeca želila bar jednu (nekoliko tata je takođe stavilo tetovaže :) )

Organizovali smo i igru obaranja flaša-svinja. Ideja je bila da kupimo crvenu loptu na kojoj bi nacrtali lice crvene ptice, ali nismo uspjeli pronaći jednobojnu loptu, pa nam je poslužila ona koju smo već od ranije imali. Lice svinje sam pronašla na internetu i samo je odprintala na zeleni papir, koji smo kasnije zalijepili na prazne plastične boce.

Takođe sam dječici odprintala nekoliko stranica za bojenje. Stranice se jednostavno nađu kada se u Google ili bilo koji drugi pretraživač upiše “Angry Birds Coloring Pages”. Samo treba paziti na rezoluciju istih da ne bi bile skroz sitne. Download, print, nekoliko bojica i zabava se nastavlja (naravno kada su djeca već pomalo umorna od silnog skakanja i igranja). 

Evo jedna stranica, ako vam se ne bude dalo tražiti.

I finalno torta… Ovako je izgledala naša

Ideju sam isto pronašla negdje na internetu, a dvije predivne sestre iz Visokog koje imaju nevjerovatan dar kako za pravljenje same torte, tako i za dekoracije istih, su nam napravile tortu sa kojom smo bili prezadovoljni. Ako želite naručiti tortu na istom mjestu gdje i mi, potržite na FB “Torte Za Sve Prilike”.

Mislim da je to to…

Treba malo truda, ali ništa pretjerano, i sve je spremno za ANGRY BIRDSDAY!


BIRTHDAY WEEK - Day 2 - Train party

By the time duoBRO reached second year, train obsession was already there. So, here comes the train, choo, choo...

If you have a train fan in your home you are going to love this. 

Let's start.

Here is invitation. Even if I don't like photos on the invitations so much, I just had to put this one :)

Next photo is far from perfect but is the best I've got where all decorations are visible.

The color scheme was: green-blue-orange, so mostly everything was in those colors.

Garlands are made from 'hamer' paper (I already explained in some earlier post that is the thick paper and I don't know the right name in English for it). I had prepared the 'happy birthday' sign to print, but for some reason I didn't, so I just used temperas and wrote the sign.

Labels on the juices are also custom made.

With this, kids and parents could know which juice belongs to whom.

If you want to use this here is the label without the name:

I used Hobo fonts (you can download it here ) but you can change it and use some other fonts, of course.

I actually made a train out of cardboard boxes for this birthday. It took me quite a lot of time to build and paint it, but it was worth it cos our boy was thrilled with it and played in it for hours (and later we used those wagons as a toy boxes for a quite some time :) ).

I don't have the photos of the process of making it, but I can tell you that I used: 4 boxes and regular white wall paint, I just added pigments to get to color I wanted.

duoBRO t-shirt has a applique on it, which is also made according to the theme. Here is the bigger picture:

And at the end, I will show you how our cake looked like:

I hope you liked this even more that the first party. If so, come back tomorrow :) we have more things to share :)


BIRTHDAY WEEK - Day 1 - Bumba party

My little boy is turning 4 this week! I still need some time to accept that. My God, time passes so fast!

I have decided to dedicate this week to our birthday parties. We did some interesting stuff for all duoBRO's birthdays, so maybe you will find something interesting and inspirational to do for your kids as well.

Please keep in mind that I didn't plan to publish this photos so they are mostly made just for us, but I think they will be OK for this use too :)

So, here we go, 1. birthday...

Theme for this party was Bubma the clown. I guess lots of kids still watch that cartoon :)

Here is how invitation looked like:

I have found this frame loooong time ago on some blog, and it was free for download. I have tried to find it again but it was hopeless :(

We made a party hats :) It was good that Bumba had a simple one :)

I have found the template for this hat hereTrust me, it is much easier to make it if you have a template, even if it looks very simple to make.

Here is the birthday boy with his hat early in the morning:

We also made a banner out of regular A4 colored paper. I just printed the letters in black.
Here I am in the process of making it:

Hahaha, it was a long time ago and I had completely different haircut :)

And this is how it looked in the place where we had a party:

As you can see we added quite a few balloons since they are also characteristic for the clowns.

And here is the cake:

After the party we sent this thank you card to all our dear friends:

And that was it :)

If you liked this come back tomorrow to see how second birthday party looked like.

Thanks for stopping by.